Breast implants-Subfascial: A new breast augmentation technique

Subfacial Ενθέματα σιλικόνηςCommonly, breast augmentation procedures are performed by placing implants either under the muscle or under the mammary gland. A new plane we now follow is called “subfacial” and is typically something of the previous techniques, involving a strong membrane called fascia of the pectoralis major and thus a new plane is created to host the implants. We adopted this technique following Dr Ruth Graf’s poster on the new plane; having conducted our own studies, since 2004 we have applied the technique on more than 2,000 patients. The technique has a number of advantages, such as:

  1.  There is no breast deformity
  2.  Rippling is limited
  3. Excellent normal-like texture and feeling
  4. Almost zero capsule formation
  5. Natural-looking upper breast
  6. An overall better, steady and long-term result is a crucial factor considered by woman wishing to have the surgery.

Breast augmentation started with plastic surgeons searching for the optimum plane to place the implants. The first option was under the mammary gland (subglandular). However, this plane presented implant rippling, given that early implants were very soft and created rippling spontaneously. Thus, plastic surgeons changed the old plane and created a new plane under the muscle (submuscular). The new plane resulted in the non deformation of the breast and its smooth movement along with the muscle’s movement. In their effort to minimize the disadvantages of both techniques, the leading plastic surgeon Dr. Graf attempted to create a plane bearing the advantages of the other planes but not their disadvantages. And so, the new plane for implant placing was born – the so-called “subfacial”.

So, what exactly is this plane?

Ο γυναικείος μαστός περιβάλλεται εντός δύο πετάλων της επιπολής περιτονίας του θώρακα και είναι γνωστοί ώς πρόσθιος και οπίσθιος καθεκτικός σύνδεσμος του μαστού.Η βαθειά περιτονία φαίνεται πολύ καθαρά όταν χειρουργούμε και σηκώνουμε τον μαστό και είναι πάνω από τον μείζονα θωρακικό μυ.Η περιτονία αυτή συνεχίζει και ενώνεται με την περιτονία του ορθού κοιλιακού μυός,πρόσθιου οδοντωτού και λοξού κοιλιακού μυός.Ουσιαστικά η περιτονία αυτή καλύπτει όλο τον πρόσθιο θώρακα και έχει πάχος εώς και 1.50 cm.



The surgery starts with the performance of an incision measuring 3.5-4 cm in length, approximately 5 cm below the breast.

We use a bloodless and atraumataci technique with a special instrument for gentle tissue detachment called bipolar or unipolar bobby or plane preparation. The preparation margins are the natural breast margins and this delivers an immediate natural-looking result after the breast implant is placed.

During the surgery, we use special volume measuring devices to obtain high precision in measuring the breast implant, based on the preoperative measures we have performed in our medical practice. Most of the times, we opt for this incision because it is practically invisible, does not hinder breastfeeding, does not affect nipple sensitivity and is accompanied by an insignificant capsule formation rate.

As the technique is painless, all of our operated patients had a remarkable recovery.

Since 2004, we have been monitoring patients with long-term and natural-looking results. To date, due to the Mentor USA implants we use, no case of implant replacement due to wearing out arose.

The implant does not follow the movement of the muscle (dynamic breast), and, since 1998, 95% of our female patients are satisfied with and enjoy the long-term results we deliver.



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