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Watch live the surgery you interested in performed by Dr Nodas Kapositas M.D, PhD, Athens, Greece.
Case I: Breast reduction/lift to the right side without any surgery to
the left breast.
Case II: In this case we did a breast augmentation to the right side and
a breast reduction/lift to the left side.
Case III: In this case we did an asymmetric breast augmentation via an
infra-mammary incision through a sub-facial plane and we put a 250 cc
cohesive I silicone gel to the right side and a 275 cc silicone gel
cohesive I to the left side
An open approach to Rhinoplasty via a step incision. The open approach to Rhinoplasty is a more precise operation than the closed one, because the plastic surgeon is able to operate with accuracy and precision resulting in a better outcome. We show here the input of the cartilage grafts, the tip graft, the nasal tip surgery, the strut graft