Lip Augmentation-fillers & surgery
The mouth is the most impressive part of the face. It expresses our feelings and emotions and can be nice and happy or ugly and sad.
For some women, their mouth is a point of sexual attraction and desire. Yet, for others, it can be a point of repulsion and aversion. Lips can be full and projecting, a characteristic of some races, or thin and volumeless.
Today, the most popular shape are voluptuous and attractive lips. Full, fresh and projecting lips and mouth are dreamt of by both young and older women.
Current techniques applied may deliver:
Α. Temporary results
Our featured patients-own photos
Juvedem/xylocaine-extra smile
Injectable materials
These implants are in liquid form (hyaluronic acid or fat, etc). It is not uncommon for women to be concerned about the final result, so they try this as a first approach. Hyaluronic acid is a hypoallergenic material which is absorbed within 4-5 months.
The procedure takes place in our office.
The patient cooperates and expresses her opinion. Fat transfer is carried out in the Clinic under local anesthesia and shares the disadvantage of hyaluronic acid, i.e. it is absorbed.
Liquid materials may deliver satisfactory results, but have to be regularly repeated to maintain the outcome.
Cutaneous and autologous free dermal fat grafts do not often deliver reliable results and are not widely used (they are absorbed). However, they are preferred over in some cases.
Β Permanent results
First of all, liquid silicone has been abolished due to complications. Solid synthetic grafts, such as Gore-Tex, etc, despite their initial good results, have not been widely used. Other injectable permanent materials have not yet proven their long-term safety and are not widely used.
Aiache Technique (Beverly Hills, Los Angeles)
It is the evolution of W-plasty technique and constitutes a permanent
surgical solution with very good results. The procedure is performed
under local anesthesia and the patient needs no hospitalization. No
external incisions are involved and the procedure is performed through
the buccal mucosa. There is an edema which lasts for 3-4 days which
gradually remits. The patient is on soft and liquid food during the
first days and the stitches are removed 6 days later.
Lip Augmentation. Photos Before - after