- A - Αlmost boobs
- B -barely boobs
- C - cant complain
- D- dang
- DD- double dang
- E- enormous
- F- fake
- G- get a reduction
- H- help me I've fallen and cant get up
- The diameter of the chest base,
- the distance between the breasts,
- the skin elasticity,
- the position of the nipple in relation to the submammary line, etc.
What is cup size (breast size)?
Cup size refers to bra size, and its classification is based on the Anglo-Saxon alphabet.
Bra sizes
Most women visiting our office express their wish to enlarge their breasts by one, two or even more cup sizes.
One must be aware of the cc (cubic centimeter, unit to express volume) each cup size corredponds to. Cup size A corresponds to approx. 150-210 cc in volume. What is also really important is the existing breast. As implants add volume, we must be very careful to choose the right implant size and thoroughly consider the final breast volume in advance.
For example, a cup size A woman wants to upgrade to C. in this case, we must add the existing cup size A to the implant in order to calculate the final breast volume. Thus, the woman in our example needs approx. 300 cc to enlarge her breast from A to C. A cup size B woman who wants to upgrade to C needs a 225-250cc implant. But this is a rough guide.
Factors that really affect our final decision include, but are not limited to:
In view of the above, the choice of the applicable implant size and the right breast enlargement to the proper size (according to each woman’s body type) highly depend on the plastic surgeon’s experience in the field of breast augmentation surgery.
For this reason, it is difficult to make up your mind based on photos captions reading the size of the implant placed in the depicted woman. Every woman’s breast is different, and so both the augmentation technique and the implant size must strictly respect the uniqueness of your breast prior to the surgery.
Breast augmentation. Photos Before - after